Hypertension: classification and risk factors
Hypertension is a chronic condition of concern due to its role in the causation of coronary heart disease, stroke and other vascular complications. It is the commonest cardiovascular disorder, posing a major public . health challenge to population in socio-economic and epidemiological transition. Raise blood pressure is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular … Read more
Leptospirosis: agent, host, transmission, diagnosis, treatment.
Leptospirosis is essentially animal infection by several serotypes of Leptospira (Spirocheates) and transmitted to man under certain environmental conditions. The disease manifestations are many and varied, ranging in severity from a mild febrile illness to severe, and sometimes fatal disease with liver and kidney involvement. AGENT FACTORS : Leptospira are thin and light motile spirocheates … Read more
Is lead toxic to humans?
More industrial workers are exposed to lead than to any other toxic metal. Lead is used widely in a variety of industries because of its properties : All lead compounds are toxic – lead arsenate, lead oxide and lead carbonate are the most dangerous; lead sulphide is the least toxic. INDUSTRIAL USES: Over 200 industries … Read more
Medical management of tetanus.
An acute disease induced by the exotoxin of Clostridium tetani and clinically characterized by muscular rigidity which persists throughout illness punctuated by painful paroxysmal spasms of the voluntary muscles, especially the masseters (trismus or “lock-jaw”), the facial muscles (risus sardonicus), the muscles of the back and neck (opisthotonos), and those of the lower limbs and … Read more